NEW YORK – Top NBA Draft 2017 prospects joined local youth at Hunter College in NYC yesterday from Basketball City, Dual Language Middle School (DLMS) and Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) for a Jr. NBA youth basketball clinic, to participate in an NBA Cares packing project to pack gift bags and write notes that will be sent to Operation: Cares and Comfort, an organization that sends care packages to service members stationed overseas.

The kids were also treated to the national finals of the Jr. NBA Skills Challenge presented by Verizon with participation from the 20 regional champions (top five male and female participants in each age group: 12U girls, 12U boys, 14U girls and 14U boys). More than 65,000 youth throughout the country participated in this year’s Jr. NBA Skills Challenge, which is a 45-second competition where participants zig-zag dribble around cones; speed dribble; shoot from designated spots on the court, with made shots earning different point values based on their difficulty; and shoot one free throw for bonus points.